Project Description
Operation Pack to School
in Israel
Operation Pack to School with Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse.
Today in Israel, one out of every three children lives below the poverty line. More than 600,000 Jewish and Arab children are in need of your help. Imagine your child going to school without pen and pencils, paper, a ruler, an eraser or a school bag. Operation Pack to School is putting together school backpacks for children that contain essential supplies to assist children each school year. We can provide for thousands of children annually, and pack these precious youngsters off to school with a blessing of love!
A gift of £15 will provide one child with a school backpack, including many of the necessary items. Be a blessing today and help these needy children.
Vision for Israel and The Joseph Storehouse, established in 1994, is an international non-profit humanitarian aid centre operating in the Judean Hills just outside of Jerusalem. They supply essential humanitarian aid to Israel’s impoverished individuals.
In 2006 they had requests for approximately 30,000 school packs. These requests came through schools, individuals, community organisations and congregations throughout Israel. Since the start of the Pack to School project in 1999, they have been able to bless over 93,000 Jewish and Arab children.
These children would otherwise have faced a humiliating first day at school as their families simply cannot afford the expense of a school pack when finances to cover basic living costs are sorely lacking or at risk.