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Dear Deborah

Dear Deborah,

30th December 22

Thank you for joining us on the recent Deborah Company Online Prayer Courts. We expect to see the manifestation of the prayers we stand in the gap for our families and we look forward to knowing each other better, as we become more and more united.

The dates we are planning Prayer Courts for 2023 are: on Monday

  • January 2nd
  • February 6th
  • March 6th
  • April 3rd
  • May 1st
  • June 5th
  • July 5th
  • August 7th
  • September 4th
  • October 2nd
  • November 6th
  • December 4th

We meet at 7.45 pm and prayer starts at 8 pm. Please use this access link to help you login on to the Prayer Court


Here are some of the scriptures references we prayed this month for you to mediate upon:

Colossians 1:9 We do not cease praying for each other’s families, and the families in the nations, to be filled with the full deep and clear knowledge of God’s will for them in all spiritual wisdom, and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things

Joel 2:28-29 We continue to pray the Lord will pour out His spirit upon all flesh, (all families.)

Psalm 68:6 We thank God He places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell and leads the prisoners out to prosperity.

Matthew 18:18-19 We gather in the power of agreement and forbid and declare whatever is unlawful and improper on earth which is already forbidden in heaven, that is, we bind competition, greed, hatred, envy, jealousy and things which cause pain, and in place we loose love, unconditional pure love.

Matthew 9:38 We pray to the Lord of the harvest to force and thrust labourers into His harvest across the paths of our loved ones.

Psalm 127 The Lord builds our house, and we do not labor in vain

1 John 5:14 Lord hears us because we ask and make our requests according to His will (in agreement with His own plans)

God is listening very intensively to our prayers, so we endeavour to pray rightly. We encourage you to Partner with us at DCUK in such a time as this. Much is shifting globally and we believe its crucial to be found spiritually correct.

Please feel free to email your prayer requests, and keep a watch on the DCUK Facebook group for upcoming info.

With MUCH LOVE and blessings and praying on.

Julie Anderson and the Deborah Company UK team.